Author: admin

Succulents in garden design

Russian sedum in fall colours Succulents are drought tolerant, low maintenance and interesting all season long plants. Their leaves and texture contrasts well with other perennials. Spreading like a typical perennial and some, will start a new plant when a leaf or stem touches soil; these are easily removed. Preferring to grow in lean and or poor soil in full…

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Alluring Iris

Iris In Perfumery Iris germanica and Iris pallida are both used in quality perfumery and as a scent fixative in true Potpourri. Since the Egyptians the alluring scent has been part of perfumery and skin care. The Chinese scented rice with it. Indeed, Orris root, its official name, is derived from the iris rhizome and has been used for 1,000’s…

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Sustain – 1: to give support or relief to 2: to supply with sustenance: NOURISH

…In the natural world fallen leaves and plant debris lay where they fall. And until that leaf litter breaks down its a mulch that conserves soil moisture, deters soil erosion, protects plant roots from fluctuating air temperatures and suppresses weed growth. Thus, supporting the soil. …Leaf litter eventually breaks down. The break down material is organic matter or humus. Organic…

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Borage officinalis

Borage officinalis – Borage, Bee Bread, Common Bugloss and Starflower are a few of its common names. It’s a self-seeding annual herb that grows 2 feet tall and wide. Its mature foliage is covered in prickly hairs. The pretty, star-shaped flowers in blue, lavender and pink bloom from May to hard frost. Bees, butterflies and moths prize its flower nectar.…

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Vegetable Container growing

Growing Vegetables in Containers is suited when space is not available for a typical vegetable garden or mobility makes bending difficult or wanting to increase your growing area. All are solid reasons for gardening in pots. Large containers are the best as they hold more soil, which dries out slower and provides more growing choices. Use only soil sold for…

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Perennial Portrait – Cat Nip

I chose to profile this perennial to clarify if catnip and catmint were one and the same. Experts say that Catnip usually refers to the medicinal plant and Catmint refers to the ornamental varieties. The ornamental varieties available have more and larger flowers, deeper colours and a tidier growth habit. Used medicinally for 100‘s of years, Nepeta cataria aerial parts…

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Fertilizers Organic vs. Synthetic

Organic amendments add nutrients that are available to plants, and can include nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.  Organic matter builds soil by: improving aeration of the soil, improving drainage in clay soil and water holding capacity in sandy soil. The organic matter attracts all types of living organisms that also build the soil. In nature the leaf litter shed each fall,…

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Defining Space

Our need to define space started when we had to protect ourselves from invaders.  Food and water, essential to life had to be protected as well, hence the ancient “Walled” or “Medieval” garden. In our homes we have the walls and ceiling to define our space.  In our landscape we may have large trees or the sky as the ceiling. …

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