Slugs in your garden


Natural predators of slugs in your garden

Slugs are part of the mollusk family and therefore exude slime. They defoliate plants with their rasping mouthparts leaving Hosta and other favorite plants with shredded leaves or stripped of all leaves.

Natural predators of slug’s include: moles, hedgehogs, frogs, salamanders, millipedes and carnivorous beetles and chickens. Our gardens naturally contain some of these predators.

Other safe ways of managing slugs in your garden

Keep the garden clean of dead and dying plant parts.  This helps air to move which dries out the shady area below plants.

Scented plants such as geraniums, foxglove, garlic, fennel, chives and mint may repel some slugs.

Organic materials like soot, ashes, crushed eggshells, sand, hair and sawdust around the base of your plants may deter slugs. The more slime it has to exude to move the bigger the deterrent.

A few commercial products are available such as slug pellets. These are eaten and the slug dies. The pellets are safe around pets and people.

Copper tape or pennies give a shock to the slug when it touches them.

Slug traps, filled with beer and set around the garden attract slugs. The down side is you have to empty these containers of the drunk and drowned slugs.