Tag: herb

Perennial Portrait – Cat Nip

I chose to profile this perennial to clarify if catnip and catmint were one and the same. Experts say that Catnip usually refers to the medicinal plant and Catmint refers to the ornamental varieties. The ornamental varieties available have more and larger flowers, deeper colours and a tidier growth habit. Used medicinally for 100‘s of years, Nepeta cataria aerial parts…

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Perennial Portrait – Thyme

Perennial Thyme in the garden All Thyme, annual or perennial like full sun, good drainage, and lean to poor soil. Perfect for a Prairie garden. Their tiny leaves reduce moisture loss and contrast well with larger leaved plants. Thymus vulgaris grows 15cm high and spreads 45cm. A common name is ‘English thyme’. It has an upright growth habit and tiny…

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